The Vulnerability of Creativity

Have you ever experienced the vulnerability of creativity? Maybe that time you created something that you were so proud of only to have someone react completely underwhelmed? This happens to a lot of us during our childhood. This can result in a hurt that stays with someone for a long time maybe the rest of their lives. In that moment of hurt, a young mind can swear off of ever opening themselves up to vulnerability through art again.

Creativity comes from the deep within the heart and mind. When we create, build, design we have to open our hearts to vulnerability if we ever want to show our works to the world. This means that as artists or hobbyists we need to constantly practice courage.

So know that we’re on this topic…

I’m going to let you in on a well-kept secret. I still get nervous before consultations. I’m a lifelong introvert so meeting new people can be overwhelming. I guess the scary part is the fact that I’m being judged on my personality and artwork. I definitely feel vulnerable during these moments. A meeting that went well in your eyes can end with a couple declining your services without discussing why. This can lead down a path of negativity and self-doubt.

It’s quite the career I’ve chosen for my socially anxious self, isn’t it? Nonetheless, I have continued to push through the uncomfortable, vulnerable moments. At the end of the day, photography is my passion and I love capturing the connection between people in love. My journey may be more of a hike up a mountain than a walk in the park but I’ll never stop hiking.

What vulnerability do you open yourself up to?

DARE: I encourage you to pick up a pencil or paintbrush and create for the fun of it! Show your creativity to the world. Share it online! There is no good or bad in art, it’s subjective.

REMEMBER: If someone works up enough courage to show you their art, be grateful that they trusted you in this very human moment of vulnerability.

the vulnerability of creativity

Read more personal stories by Chelsey Cunningham on the blog.


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